Keisha Deering

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First name Keisha
Last name Deering
Phone Number (757)968-2022
Display name Keisha Deering

Born and raised in Sarasota, Fl I am a true Floridian. When I lived in Sarasota, it was a small town. Now Sarasota is quite big! It has changed over time. I met my husband, Marc, when I lived in Sarasota. We went to prom in our Senior year of high school and dated for a couple of years. Marc decided to join the Army and we got married. From there we went to his first duty station in Panama (the country).

We lived in Panama for three years and enjoyed the sites, the economy, the country, and our fellow soldiers and their families. Lliving in Panama, I experienced a lot of firsts: it was the first time I saw an Iguana, my first time leaving America and living abroad.
It was my first time seeing a toucan(s) in its natural habitat, my first of many times seeing a sloth and waiting for sloths to cross the street very slowly. Our first son was born in Panama.

We moved from Panama after three years and stationed at Ft. Ritchie. My husband decided to leave the military. We lived in Maryland, but there was no family there.
We decided to move to Virginia because my sister was also in the military, and stationed at Ft. Eustis. We need to purchase a house!

I believe that you will have a natural connection with your home when you find it. No one can talk you into purchasing your home. It’s a feeling that is indescribable, but when you know you know. Communication is the key and if you don’t feel that you can effectively speak with your agent or your client, the transaction may hit some snags. I found my first home several years ago on and knew that home was mine before I even walked into the property. My agent at the time showed me 5 other properties before they took me to the property that I wanted to see originally. When I finally walked into the property…I was home!

I have been in the Hampton Roads area since 1998. I have a BA in Sociology. At the time I was studying for the degree I had no idea what I would do with a Sociology Degree and now I know. I have been a Licensed agent since 2013. I became an Associate Broker in 2019. As agents, we are all in this together. We have to help one another to make this industry better. Teaching is important to spread knowledge so that we all can be better. I’m originally from Sarasota, Fl.
My family and I live in Newport News, VA. We have 4 dogs; a Shih Tzu (Truffles) and 3 English Bulldogs (Miss Panda, Miss Inky, and Dude). I love real estate; everyday there is an opportunity to learn and grow. No two transactions will ever be the same. I am always looking forward to new opportunities.

I love working with agents to help the agents be better, not just for themselves but also for the consumer. We never stop learning; we learn something new every day.One of my favorite mottos is “Reach one, teach one.” My goal is to make an impact on each person I come into contact.